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Industry private Cloud Solutions and Services

Take your Industry private Cloud into the future
Simplify your OT. Solve your business challenges. Gain the agility and scalability to support your organization’s long-term strategy. Future-ready, Industry private Cloud solutions from WitLinc leverage your current technology while seamlessly incorporating innovations tailored to your needs:

  • Eliminate redundancy and unify management
  • Accelerate OT service delivery
  • Reduce operation costs while increasing performance

Take the next step now. Ask a WitLinc consultant about our end-to-end Industry private Cloud solutions designed to help your factory respond dynamically to change – today and for years to come.

What we offer: 

  • Server
  • Storage
  • Network
  • Converged Solutions

Server Solutions

Meet complex automation challenges with next-generation WiCloud servers
WiCloud servers maximize operational effectiveness and optimize flexibility at any scale. Focused on accelerated performance, enhanced automation and simplified management, the WiCLoud line-up of servers can help you experience worry-free computing through:

  • Greater OT efficiency
  • Superior OT agility
  • Better OT reliability

WiCloud servers are scalable, flexible, efficient solutions platforms with streamlined and intuitive management that can help you meet changing missions and drive system success

WiCloud servers 

Achieve the performance, efficiency and versatility you need to scale smarter, manage more efficiently, and innovate faster. WiCloud rack servers are designed with carefully balanced processor memory, IO and internal storage resources. Innovative agent-free management, based on the intelligence of our powerful integrated remote access controller with Lifecycle Controller, helps you more easily deploy, monitor, manage and maintain servers across their entire life cycles.

Storage Solutions

Redefining the economics of factory storage
Achieve faster response times and lower your total cost of ownership (TCO) with data center and virtualization strategies designed to match your workloads. From storage, networking and servers to software and beyond, our flexible modern architectures span a broad technology portfolio, delivering a distinct advantage over siloed vendors who work inside only a single domain.

Meet your specific storage needs from our wide range of solutions:

  • Modern hardware architectures
  • Innovative software tools
  • End-to-end services

Whether you need performance-optimized flash technologies, ultra-dense storage enclosures, traditional or software-defined storage (SDS) solutions, we can help you choose the right options for your organization’s needs.

Software-defined storage

It’s time to design your Industry private Cloud around your workloads. Break free of old, costly models that bind you to proprietary solutions and dictate your configurations. Our adaptable, software-defined storage solutions separate hardware and software, giving you freedom of choice and access to storage innovation as it happens — no more waiting on the next hardware refresh to get the latest, most intelligent software features you need to automate your workload management. 

Networking Solutions

Your network. Your vision. Your terms.
Today’s applications call for new thinking about network architecture. Based on open standards, WiCloud Networking solutions free you from outdated, proprietary approaches. Our future-ready networking solutions help you:

  • Improve network performance
  • Lower Industry private Cloud costs
  • Remain flexible to adopt new innovations

Take control of your network’s future and learn how WitLinc's strategy for open networking can dramatically transform your business.

End user networking 

With wired and wireless solutions that range from large-scale factory networks to small control networks, WiCloud is a one-stop shop for a complete, secure, easy-to-manage networking solution that will meet your needs today and in the future.

Converged Solutions

Adapt to any workload with converged solutions
Harness the power of convergence and tailor infrastructure to your workloads with one of the industry's broadest portfolios of workload-optimized solutions. Our flexible converged configurations help you: 

  • Lower costs by running more workloads in less space with solutions that integrate servers, storage, networking and management into a single system 
  • Roll out IT services faster with application-specific reference architectures and purpose-built appliances 
  • Streamline operations as you manage new and traditional IT as one with a highly intuitive user interface and template-driven orchestration 

Revolutionize your data and compute environments with converged solutions designed to scale traditional and modern applications with common, standards-based architectures.

Converged infrastructure :

Gain powerful business flexibility with the performance, scalability and ease of use of WiCloud converged infrastructure platforms — pre-integrated, certified systems containing server hardware, storage systems, networking equipment and unified management software. These innovative platforms include: WiCloud architecture, Rack server, which redefines HMI,DCS,SCADA and MES.

Hyper-converged :

Speed up and simplify deployment and time to value with WiCloud hyper-converged solutions. With compute, storage and networking resources pre-integrated with hypervisors and operating systems in single appliances, hyper-converged solutions provide out-of-the-box convenience for pay-as-you-grow scale-out expansion.

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